Interviews 101

Most candidates are on their best behaviour not only at interview, but also after the first few weeks after joining an organisation. However, after this time, the real person starts to emerge and that’s when the disillusionment creeps in. 

Whilst the purpose of an interview is to establish whether a candidate is a good fit for the position they’re applying for, there are a number of common interview biases that all of us should be aware of. By biases we mean preconceived ideas or beliefs that we unknowingly assign to candidates. Unknowingly is the key term here – our hiring decision may be swayed without us even realising it.

The Elenchus profiling system takes the bias out of the equation. Our Footprint report breaks down a role into its constituent parts and very clearly indicates which areas may be a cause for concern. By including tailored interview questions, it lets the hiring manager explore these areas further.

Below is a quick overview of the most common biases seen at job interviews.

Me Too Bias

Occurs when an interviewer inadvertently favours a candidate who has similar traits, interests or experiences to themselves.


Forming an opinion of someone based on a particular characteristic, for example appearance, ethnicity or age.

Contrast Effect

When a stronger candidate interviews shortly after a weaker candidate, making them appear more suitable than they really are.

The Halo Effect

Where a positive perception of one quality leads to unsubstantiated judgements of other traits.

Primary Bias

Where interviewer makes their decision in the first 90 seconds and then spends the rest of the interview confirming their initial judgement.

Confirmation Bias

Tendency to favour information that confirm your preexisting beliefs, while discarding those that do not.

Take the Bias Out of Hiring